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1. Learn about REEDR

Here you will find all the questions and answers about REEDR.

1.1. What is REEDR?

REEDR is a Salesforce app for your Salesforce CRM. With the help of REEDR, you can easily and automatically read a variety of documents and transfer the extracted data to your Salesforce CRM. This works thanks to AI-based OCR technology.

In this way, you can sustainably optimise and automate numerous processes around your document management.

The app is available for download on the Salesforce AppExchange.

1.2. Which documents can I read out with REEDR?

You can use REEDR to read information from the following document types:

  • Invoices
  • Vouchers & Receipts
  • Bank statements
  • Delivery & freight notes
  • Vehicle registration documents
  • Identity cards
  • Contracts
  • CVs
  • Letter of motivation
  • Pay slips
  • Judgments & Notices of Appointment
  • Expert opinions
  • Assumption of costs from insurances

1.3. What are the advantages of REEDR compared to manual data entry?

REEDR offers several advantages over manual data entry:

  • Time saving: REEDR can process large volumes of documents in a very short time, which significantly reduces the time needed for data entry. In contrast, manual data entry is time-consuming and can be error-prone.
  • Cost savings: Because REEDR reduces the need for labour, you can save money as an organisation.
  • Accuracy: OCR tools like REEDR are often very accurate and can accurately recognise text and convert it into digital data. Manual input, on the other hand, is prone to typos and human error.
  • Scalability: REEDR allows you to process a large number of documents, whereas manual data entry quickly reaches its limits when dealing with large amounts of data.
  • Automated data validation: REEDR can help you automatically validate data by checking specific patterns or formats, which improves the quality of the captured data.
  • Compliance: In certain industries, such as healthcare or finance, companies must adhere to certain privacy and compliance regulations. OCR systems like REEDR can help meet these requirements.

1.4. Can I test the Salesforce App?

You can test REEDR completely free of charge for 30 days and read up to 25 documents.

You can get the trial version of REEDR here via the AppExchange. Click on the "Get It Now" button and select the trial version. We will contact you afterwards to help you choose the AI model and set it up.

No credit card is required for the trial version.

1.5. How much does REEDR cost?

REEDR costs €560.00 per Salesforce Org or AI model/month

One price applies for all features. Included is one free hour of implementation in your system!

AND: You can cancel REEDR monthly at any time. Your flexibility is important to us.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. What technical requirements do I need to use REEDR?

REEDR is exclusively intended for use in Salesforce. Thus, the use of Salesforce is necessary.

REEDR is compatible with Salesforce Platform, Sales Cloud, Enterprise and Unlimited. There are restrictions with Salesforce Professional.

2.2. Which Salesforce versions do I need to use REEDR?

You can use REEDR if you use one of the following Salesforce products:

  • Salesforce Platform
  • Sales Cloud
  • Salesforce Enterprise
  • Salesforce Unlimited

There are limitations with Salesforce Professional.

2.3. Are there regular updates for REEDR?

REEDR is regularly updated in your system so that you benefit from the latest technologies and best practices.

2.4. How do I integrate REEDR into my Salesforce CRM?

Want to integrate REEDR into your Salesforce CRM?

Then download the app here via the Salesforce AppExchange. We'll get back to you to help you choose the right AI model for your use case.

3. Documents & AI Models

3.1. Which file formats are supported by REEDR?

REEDR recognises text in files with the following document or image formats:

  • PDF
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • BMMP
  • GIF
  • TIF

3.2. Can REEDR recognise and process documents in different languages?

Depending on the AI model or partner technology, REEDR can recognise other European languages in addition to German and English.

Do you have specific requirements? Then contact us directly.

3.3. Can I train my own AI model?

The choice is yours: use pre-trained AI models from our technology partners to read your data or train your own AI model for specific document types.

How much data this training requires depends on the complexity and your requirements. Contact us if you are interested in setting up your own AI model.

3.4. Do the documents need a certain quality?

No, thanks to AI, minor errors can be corrected and the documents can be read without any problems. Similar to a human being.

3.5. Which technology partners does REEDR work with?

REEDR uses the OCR technology from:

With REEDR, you have access to enterprise technologies that are otherwise reserved for the big players.

4. Licences & Payment

4.1. Can I upgrade my subscription if I want to process more documents?

You need capacity for more documents? You can upgrade the number of REEDR licences at any time by sending an e-mail or via our customer portal.

5. Help & Support

5.1. I have a problem with REEDR: who can I contact?

If you have a problem with REEDR, you can contact us at any time by emailing or by calling +49 (0)800 25 396. We'll be happy to help!

5.2. How can I give my administrator or support employee access to my account?

To grant your admin or one of our support staff access to your account, you need to go to your profile in your Salesforce Org and open the profile settings. Here you search for "Grant Account Login Access" and can now grant the desired persons access to your account for a period of time of your choice.