Einstein OCR vs. REEDR: The main differences between these OCR Tools


In today's business world, efficient document processing is critical to success. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and specialised tools such as REEDR or Einstein OCR play a central role. These OCR technologies convert scanned documents and images into editable and searchable data. They automate data capture from documents and integration into systems such as Salesforce, reducing manual entry, saving time and resources, and increasing efficiency. So integrating OCR into your business processes improves data quality and speeds up numerous workflows.

But how does REEDR specifically differ from other AI-based OCR-Salesforce-tools such as Einstein OCR? Which OCR solution is better suited to your needs? Find out now.

What is Einstein OCR?

Einstein OCR is an OCR solution from Salesforce designed specifically to integrate with the Salesforce platform. It uses artificial intelligence to recognise text from images and documents and convert it into Salesforce records.

  • Functionality and technology: Einstein OCR uses advanced algorithms, machine learning, and AI models to recognise text in various formats. These models are continuously improved to increase the accuracy of text recognition.

  • Main features and applications: The solution is particularly suited to the recognition and processing of business-related information/documents such as contact information, contract data, business cards and more.

  • Integration with Salesforce: Seamless integration with Salesforce allows the recognised data to be used directly in Salesforce applications, automating data entry and speeding up workflows. This enables you to extract and process data as efficiently as possible.

What is REEDR?

REEDR is also an efficient AI-based OCR solution designed specifically for Salesforce users to automate data capture and processing. It extracts information from documents directly in Salesforce, minimising errors and speeding up processes.

  • Specialised functionality: REEDR uses specific algorithms and AI models optimised for a variety of document types to ensure highly accurate data extraction.

  • Adaptability and scalability: A key feature of REEDR is its high adaptability and scalability to individual requirements and specific business processes, making it a personalised solution for each Salesforce user.

  • Precision and processing speed: REEDR offers high precision in data recognition and input, as well as fast processing.

  • Wide range of supported document and data types: REEDR's ability to process a wide range of document types, such as invoices, contracts, ID documents and more, makes it more broadly applicable than many other OCR tools. This means that many processes, such as invoicing, can be efficiently automated and optimised.

  • Ease of use and Salesforce integration: REEDR is very user-friendly and can be easily integrated into existing Salesforce environments. Recognised data can also be used directly in Salesforce and entered automatically.

Comparison: Einstein OCR vs. REEDR

Both Einstein OCR and REEDR offer special features for Salesforce users, including automation of complex data capture processes and seamless integration with Salesforce.

They differ primarily in their customisability and support for specific document types. Einstein OCR provides a strong foundation for OCR requirements within Salesforce, but may be more limited in terms of specific requirements and document types. REEDR, on the other hand, is customisable for Salesforce while providing flexibility by supporting a much broader range of document types and use cases.

  • Specialisation in document types: While Einstein OCR is mainly focused on basic text recognition, REEDR offers specialised solutions for a wide range of document types.

  • Adaptability: REEDR is highly customisable to a company's specific needs, whereas Einstein OCR is more of a standard solution without deeper customisation options.

  • Processing speed and accuracy: REEDR is more optimised for high processing speeds and accuracy in data capture, which is particularly useful for companies with large volumes of data.

  • Ease of use and implementation effort: REEDR is designed to be implemented and easily used with minimal effort, whereas using Einstein OCR may require more extensive technical knowledge.


Einstein OCR and REEDR are both innovative OCR solutions for automated data capture in Salesforce. Captured data from documents can be directly and automatically transferred and entered into Salesforce. While Einstein OCR provides a solid foundation, REEDR offers specialised features, a wide range of applications and a high degree of adaptability. As a result, both tools offer numerous benefits, especially for companies with large volumes of data. The choice between Einstein OCR and REEDR ultimately depends on your individual requirements, existing infrastructure and specific business processes.

OCR technology is constantly evolving, with an increasing focus on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, which both Einstein OCR and REEDR are working with in order to continuously improve the accuracy and efficiency of data capture.

With REEDR you get an efficient OCR software solution for automated, accurate and fast data capture.

Do you also want to capture your data more accurately and efficiently to improve your business? Do you have any questions or are you interested in receiving more information? Would you like to find out more about our AI-based OCR solution REEDR for your Salesforce CRM? Then contact us directly here.

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